Thursday, February 10, 2011

Am I not my body?

Am I not my body?
Every Spiritualist, seer, and Guru tells that I am not my body. They say that I am some fictitious soul or Athma lying deep within my body and existing eternally. How can I believe it? Should I, just because they just said it? For all that, they may be absolutely wrong. First of all I do not know whether there is something called a soul(Athma) at all.
If I am pinched I feel the pain. It is I who am feeling the pain; not the soul. Here, by ‘I’, I mean the body which includes the brain and the mind that are exclusively that of mine. At present while continuing to be alive I have no reason, need or feeling to believe that when the body and brain are no more, any mind or anything behind the mind remains back.
I do of course feel that there is some great force or energy that is inside me kicking all the time and pulsating, making the whole system work continuously from birth to death. Not even from birth, but from the very beginning of time when life started. But the pushing and wriggling will stop the moment I am dead. It is such a great wonder to think that the energy, the core within me started from the very beginning of time and to this day it has lasted all through in a continuous chain, all the time living through my forefathers and foremothers, escaping termination! But I cannot identify myself with any of the past existence in my mother, father or ancestors, and therefore so far as I am concerned, I have existed as ‘me’ only ever since I was born here.
Now tell me, am I the energy that is within me illuminating my body-mind system and pushing it grow, repair and survive? Can electricity be the motor that it runs? So far as the motor is concerned, electricity is the energy, power that runs it; that is all. The same energy that pulsates within me, moves also within the tree before my house making it grow up and up bursting into branches leaves, and flowers.
There is that great power, intelligence that creates the network of neurons, the brain and the tremendous force of the tiny atom, all within my body also.
But all that does not mean that I am not my body!
Well, I can of course pretend, imagine, or visualize within myself that I am not the body but am the great force at the core about which I mentioned and sit pretty in ‘meditation’. My capacity for imagination is very efficient. i can imagine whatever i want. When I imagine, it almost feels true! There's also a euphoria engulfing me because when you identify yourself with the energy within, there is no other thought present, and therefore everything is quiet and peaceful.
Yet, I don’t see how I am not my body, the perishable body that I feel that I am right now. Can anybody clarify, explain, elaborate, answer, this?

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