Wednesday, March 30, 2011

conscious awareness and unconscious awareness

Body and mind are both such a complicated mechanism that no ordinary intelligence, or for that matter any super- intelligence of man could have envisaged. There is clearly an ultimate superior energy or intelligenbe that is functioning in all of us, which make every complicated organ in us work with utmost unison. But we are not aware of the working of the vast majority of the organs. They work at the bidding of the unconscious part of the ultimate intelligence in us. I find that we all have in us a conscious part of the awareness or Intelligence, and an unconscious part. The conscious part can be seen with some effort while in meditation. A deeper and much more deeper meditation is perhaps necessay to bring the areas controlled by the unconscious part to the conscious domain. Is it impossible to do so? Do we require some better specialized equipment than the existing faculties provide to do so?

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