Saturday, August 2, 2008

euphoria is not real


The tap is open: water flows out.
The fan spins on,
Time ticks away.
Life leaks out
The tank has to empty itself.

* * * * * * *
Blank mind and euphoria:
My eyes are closed. My mind is alert. There is nothing in the mind. No particular thought is erupting except some small ripples of no significance. It is a clean slate. In the placid waters little ripples can always arise here and there. One is aware. Although alert the mind is blank.
Then thoughts arise. Is it the state of the mind where it is kept open and empty? The very question makes it not empty! When that subsides, the mind is calm and one is engulfed in a sort of pleasant warmth, a sort of euphoria.
But what has it to do with Reality? Is not the feeling caused by body secretions like endorphins, enkephalins, and pheramones? I think that one can stay in a state of ecstasy for some time by using the technique of ‘vacuumizing’ the mind. Anything further will happen?

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