Saturday, August 23, 2008

likes, dislikes and sin

We have, or rather I have, natural likes and dislikes. They are in my genes. I can’t help it. I do not know why they are there or how it functions. Opposite poles attract and like poles repel, it is true. Man is attracted to women, the opposite sex. Men like some men and dislike some others. All that is recognizable. I like oranges. Some one else hates it. We do not know from where within us these likes and dislikes originate. Where does hate come from? From where comes spontaneous, unconscious love?
Emotions and thoughts come from desire they say. Just because some spiritual master said so, should I accept it, agree? Do I see within myself it as a fact? Emotions, likes, dislikes, desires come from somewhere far deep within me. Physical conditions do prompt or trigger them but they originate from somewhere else much deeper. They are not to be denied by me; they cannot be ignored or rejected by me as good or bad. They are there. I try to understand them and to find out how they behave. One can sometimes play with them consciously and manipulate them, but never ignore them, suppress them or reject them. They will persist if ignored, they will create unpleasant conflicts in the mind and stay put there if suppressed and rejected. Such conflicts and feelings of guilt remaining hidden deeper in the mind are the only ‘sin’ I can understand.

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