Saturday, November 22, 2008

love vis-a-vis devotion

I feel that ‘Love’ is an insufficient and inappropriate word to be used with reference to God and devotion. Yet for want of a better word it is still used.
There is devotional love, compassionate love, affectionate love, sexual love, and love with admiration, respect and awe. In most religions one or the other type of love is seen to be more stressed than the others. For example, in Christianity, compassionate love has more stress, in Islam it is affectionate love and brotherhood that has more stress. Hindu religious idols evoke devotion, admiration and awe in their devotees rather than any feeling of compassion or affection. There is no doubt that all gods, prophets, and saints are known to evoke devotional love.
The emotional aspect of oneness, or the craving for unity is here mixed with various other emotions creating the distinctions mentioned. But people use the word ‘love’ loosely to denote all the variations and mix ups, thus creating difficulties in clear understanding of each other while communicating.
Love at the devotional level signifies the presence of God, but cannot be said to be God itself, because love is ultimately only an emotion. But it is the only unifying emotion, and therefore helps to be one with God. Looking within oneself one can see that sexual love, like hunger and thirst, is an instinctive requirement of the body combined with a craving for unity, whereas pure love is a unifying and ennobling emotion without any craving or bodily need.

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