Saturday, August 28, 2010

feel the secret source within

feel the secret source within
‘I’ was not there when I was born. It had not yet been formed. The feeling of ‘I’ came much later. What was there then? Just the wriggling dynamic force of life vibrating inside a bundle of flesh and blood, growing according to a package of coded instructions. All that I am now, my thoughts, my image of myself, my body, my likes and dislikes, my agony and ecstasy, all were formed much later. The vibrant force behind life that was there when born is still there now, and was there even before the birth took place and was always there, within the womb and before the ovum and sperm met. Otherwise they could not have met and joined.
The point is whether I can feel that single force which was there all through, and is still there within me while I sit in meditation, ignoring everything else, the thoughts, fears, happiness and sorrow, emotions and everything, all of which surfaced only after my birth? That is of utmost importance. How can anything thing else be important if you want to know the secret?
That energy one can find every where in the universe, moving, growing, changing, creating, destroying. But only human individual is equipped to feel that camouflaged secretly within him, but available for apprehending.
But if what you want, what you desire to have is the ecstasy of divinity or some special powers, that is entirely a different matter. You go ahead in your own way.

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