Friday, December 24, 2010

from senses to reality - straight

From Seeing to Ultimate Reality

Knowing from sense perceptions happens continuously. What can be discarded is only what we have put together from memories. The emotional attitude that is required for any action is only the thoughts from our energy source. Therefore all actions are contained in thoughts. And thoughts? They are in us. Where is that ‘us’? In the center of our awareness. And where is awareness? Anywhere and everywhere, always the same perpetually. In truth we are that.
Whatever is known is the knowledge of oneself. The knowledge of ‘I’ alone is not that of ‘I’. Therefore to illuminate the knowledge of ‘I’ there should be something else there. That something is that has to be known. What can be done for that? All the knowledge that is known can be discarded. That is the only thing that can be discarded. Even the thought of ;I’ has to be discarded because that is also what is known. Then I with my world is no more. Only Truth stands there.
Unable to die or be born, above birth and death, or destruction, alone without a second, it exists as the secret of existence. As the secret of birth and death, as the secret of creation and destruction, as the mind and light of everything, it exists. It exists by itself. Just like the sun that exists by its own self illumination. Just as the things illumined by the sun are not of the sun, its knowledge is not of itself. Nothing that it illuminates can be itself. Nothing that I know is self-illumined, because as I am there to know them. I am the one that lights it. They are dead and inert things. To be aware that they are not me it would be enough to have the knowledge that ‘I Am’ .
Therefore, to know the self the only way is to grow above what is known and reaching the knowledge of ‘I’, disappear along with that ‘I’. Then there will be only the Truth. That truth is the real Me.
-Sandananda Giri Translated from Malayalam 23-12-10

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