Thursday, January 8, 2009

rebirth and skepticism

Is there reincarnation? Will I be reborn on my death which is not very far away now? Not that I want this miserable life or anything similar, over again, with only struggles and strife all through. The occasional snatch of happiness or pleasure now and then was not worth it. But is there rebirth?
Lots of people believe in it, especially we Hindus. It is there in the Bhadavat Geetha, clearly given. Many others also believe in rebirth of some kind or other. Para psychological research did extensive investigations into it. They point to some phenomena to conclude that rebirth is a fact.
But I have no inclination to believe in it, nor to be convinced on the basis of any ‘evidence’ described by them. It may be, of course true immaterial of whether I believe in it or not. It is neither in the realm of my personal experience nor in the realm of conclusions that I can arrive at by reasoning.
Doubt and conclusion are both functions of the mind. A concluded mind is supposed to be a settled mind, a calm mind. When the mind is calm emotions also settle. Even without logic and reasoning this is possible. Confessions or a dip in the Ganges can do the trick if other solutions for resolving mental conflicts are not available. But they need not have any relationship to facts.
A concluded and settled mind is a dogmatic mind. It cannot be an open mind. A skeptical mind is an open mind, a receptive mind, a dynamic mind with fresh possibilities.
I leave rebirth now to come up when I die.

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