Tuesday, January 6, 2009

tasks lying undone nags through life

I have nothing, no particular task to be carried out today. But there is a feeling that I have forgotten something yet to be done. It is a continuous uncomfortable feeling. On looking into it further I find that it is a lurking fear with no substance. And it comes from a habit formed right from childhood. When you play, you feel guilty that you are not studying as much as your parents expect you to. When you are studying, you are reminded of some task entrusted by your teacher, but you have not yet touched. When you are working in an office you are again and again reminded of what you have neglected to do for your family. And when you get an opportunity to enjoy something, you feel guilty of leaving aside incomplete jobs or not sharing your enjoyment with your near and dear ones.
Is it a lurking fear of consequences?
I recognize it as the basic fear experienced as guilt arising from sheer habit.
A little more elaboration.
This habit of being afraid of some work yet to be completed, the fear of consequences of things left undone, the nagging discomfort that there is something one has forgotten to do that can create trouble later when as a matter of fact, there is nothing like that, persists right through one’s life upto the ripe old age. As a matter of fact, I could never complete with full satisfaction any of the jobs I had to carry out or I was entrusted/obliged to do by the Rules, Orders or Conventions. That feeling nagged all through. Definitely it points to the habit acquired during school and college days. One can never say that one studied any subject fully as one was expected to do.
The nagging uncomfortable feeling of things lying unattended is all along there in one’s life, and one has to live with it, happy to see it as its substance fades out. See also blog d 10-11-08

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