Thursday, April 16, 2009

pure untouched awareness

When no thought, no image, or emotion is present in the mind, is it empty? Is it a vacuum? One may not find it so. Awareness is never felt in pure form. Something is always attached to it. Either it is from the past in the form of memory or from the present in the form of sense impressions. They are seen stuck to the awareness. Awareness is never without an object to be aware of. Can it exist alone without an object, or a sense experience? I do wonder.
Without memory there is no past, and if there is no past, no future can be projected or imagined. Only the present in the form of immediate sense impressions can exist. Who feels the impressions coming through the senses? It is the awareness that feels them. But without the sense impressions or memory, what is awareness? What is it’s nature? Pure awareness without anything to be aware of? Can a live mass of flesh, a blob, with no sense organs whatsoever have awareness? If it can have, that must be pure awareness. That would then also mean that the whole mass of live blob is awareness. Such an awareness will be pure untouched awareness without any impression of past, present or future attached to it. Pure life is thus ‘Pure Awareness’. With no life to apprehend non-life, no non-life can exist.
Therefore, all of us, body, mind, intelligence, universe, everything can be only a big mass of awareness. And, awareness is a movement, a pulsation, a sort of kinetic energy.

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