Saturday, April 11, 2009

The 'See'er

Who sees the world and the universe? ‘I’ see the universe through my eyes? Eye is an equipment, I know. Am ‘I’ who sees through this equipment also not an equipment consisting of faculties of perception, understanding and apprehension? Yes, I am also an equipment, a system of machinery for perception, by somebody, some entity behind it. Who or what is that somebody? My awareness? It is my awareness that illumines my whole system consisting of the senses, ‘I’ and all. And this awareness does not seem to be confined or limited to my body. Sometimes, and sometimes only suddenly I feel that the awareness enclosed inside my body is separated from it and is spread everywhere. Then I am aware of everything around at the same time and the awareness does not appear to be imprisoned in my body, but released to the vast open space outside. Awareness has this quality of not being confined anywhere. The body, shape, voice, thought etc. are mere memory, and lie somewhere away from awareness. Nothing seems to be behind or beyond that awareness which is spread everywhere.
Will it remain so even when my body is no more? Or will that awareness also disappear? If it will disappear, then the present freedom from body is only mind’s play. Is there a way to find out? Or will it become self evident before the end?

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