Tuesday, September 23, 2008

depression, dream and meditation

I had an uncomfortable dream yesterday night. I dreamt that I was out of job, and was frantically looking for one. Hardly any money was left with me. What I have cannot last more than a couple of weeks. I am of middle age and carelessly dressed. Now I was waiting in the bus stop. But buses all go past without stopping. Finally, an emergency bus, a stop-gap arrangement, came to pick up those who are stranded. It was actually a truck with canvas top, and iron bars to hang on. In my frustration I got into it, and traveled standing holding on to the iron arches propping up the canvas. Somebody known to me is starting a new business venture for which I can be helpful with my experiences. I may perhaps get a job. I was going to his place. Nothing is definite. The whole situation was very depressing. Anxiety pervaded the very atmosphere. The route through which I was traveling was unfamiliar and strange.
Now, did the depression and mood in which I was while asleep bring about the dream, or the dream brought about the depression? It can be only the former. Because of some bodily imbalance like indigestion or palpitation of the heart, a mental disturbance must have developed while in sleep. The mood then apparently had some similarity with the mood I had in real life when I got stranded for over six months without a posting on my return from abroad after a foreign tour while in government service. Because of the whim of a higher official I had to run from pillar to post during that time without pay or a chair to occupy in the department where I was working. The dream shows that the residue of the trauma of those days is still lingering in my mind although the incident was of thirty years ago. The route that I had taken at the time to get back into position was also unfamiliar. But the dream had mixed it up with the situation some fifty years ago when I was originally looking for a job and had sought help of business relatives.
In dreams I don’t find any logic. Of course, elaborate reasoning is also sometimes dreamt. They appear perfectly logical in the dream. But they appear funny and stupidly illogical on waking up. Intellect does not control the reasoning then. Images seem to come up from moods and emotions dictated by the condition of the sleeping body. In fact I found uncomfortably bloated gas in the belly on waking up from the dream.
I can neither agree nor deny that supernatural intimations sometimes come up in dreams. It is possible as Dr. Brian Weiss has demonstrated intimations of future in his regression techniques.
I find real intellect suppressed in dreams. Images appear at random and get connected by habit or moods. But in deep sleep even random images get disconnected and disappear altogether.
However, in meditation where the intellect is alert, reasoning and logic are present in the background, ever alert. They do not allow disjointed images without logic to interfere. Here, what I mean by ‘meditation’ is, roughly, sitting completely relaxed in a mood of surrender or devotion (not necessarily religious, but an attitude), and being just aware of the happenings in the mind. Illogical dreams do not occur to me in meditation. In fact I am unable to get a dream in meditation unless I doze off.
It is perhaps the strong presence of logic and reasoning acquired from my interest and habit of mathematics, that I do not see any scenes or images in meditation. My experiments with regression (Dr. Brian Wyss methods) also yielded no results of past life episodes. In the method for regression the mind was absolutely alert even in the lying down position.

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