Saturday, February 21, 2009

meditation, grace, and sexual love

In the meditation I am referring to here, the mind is ‘vacuumised’. The mind is blank, empty with no thoughts present. In spite of the thoughts, images, emotions and the running commentator in the background, the mind remains blank and hollow. Such a state seems to have no value whatsoever. It needs to be filled with devotion, divine love or grace. Is it for that purpose all the conceptual gods, idols, divine symbols etc. have been there, for centuries? Must be. If not those devices, a living Guru has to be there to create and infuse the necessary emotion of divine love.
In this scheme of things where does Ultimate Reality come?
There is a possibility of sexual love filling the vacuum in the mind.
Then also the state can be ecstatic with euphoria. But that is said to be a hindrance to reaching Reality, although from sex to super-consciousness is a possibility (acharya Rajneesh). One may be tempted to stay there just like one is tempted to stay in utter devotional ecstasy without moving any further, imagining that it is the ultimate end, the Reality.
A vacuum can be filled with any muck. To avoid that, perhaps, better start devotion early enough! Now that is more convincing.

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