Friday, February 13, 2009

Mother Nature and my body

While picking weeds in the lawns a little splinter got into the nail of my middle finger and split it. Blood oozed out on removing it by next day it was tender with nagging pain. The pain started receding on the third day, and by the fifth day the finger was as good as normal without needing any treatment whatsoever.
The body has its own intelligence. It heals itself. The knowledge of healing is built in inside and normally one need not interfere. It is nature functioning on its own accord. Body is part of Mother Nature. But one assumes it is mine and that I have absolute control over it. And assume if I don’t do anything it cannot survive.
This vast universe and your body together constitute one whole unit run my Mother Nature. Any intimation coming to me from my body is intimation coming from Nature. Only one has to recognize it.
What about mind? Is that also not part of Nature? Yes, it is. But awareness, pure awareness seems to be different. The awareness which sees all and because of it only the senses function is felt to be everywhere, in the seen as well as in the see-er. It looks to be separate and independent, although everywhere in Nature. When the mind is calm and still it is confirmed. No proof is required. It is not a preconceived notion.
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Present and future: bl 13/2/09
The riverside is very quiet today. Practically nobody is on the road early in the morning except Dum and Dee, the pair I nicknamed, taking their morning walk. Coming from behind they crossed me going ahead a few minutes back. I can still see them far away in front with their identical yellow caps shining in the bright rising sun. Unusually for the season there are a burst of flowers of all colours to be seen shining bright in the gardens of the houses facing the river. The unexpected sudden rains that lasted for a week had made the flowers bloom when the rains stopped. Within a couple of days more the blossoms will start withering.
Not a single flower that catches my eye now will be there by the week end. For that matter not a leaf or a sprout that was there yesterday is there today in the same shape and freshness today. And what is there today will not be there to-morrow. Yet everything will look the same for sometime giving the place a semblance if continuity. Actually nothing that is present now was there a minute back and will be there a minute hence. All are different and changed, however small the change or alteration.
Only the memory, the images remain. And the memory also is distorted, modified and altered to suit each person’s perception and emotions, leaving only a resemblance for recognition. The true past is irrevocably dead and gone.
But the modified memories of the past becomes the tools and background for the earnest and deliberate attempts to alter the ‘present of the future’.
And, but for my memory, only what is there NOW exists for me. And but for my senses what will be illuminated by my awareness except my awareness itself?
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Apprehension perpetual:
When the mind is calm and steady with no thoughts interfering, what is lurking behind is not fear as such, but apprehension. It is apprehension of something untoward that might happen; the feeling that something can always happen to disturb smooth life. Normally the stream of thoughts hides and camouflages this apprehension.
On looking closer I find that it originates from a lurking danger of death, from the time one is born. Perhaps it is a self protection mechanism for all living and mobile beings. Without this apprehension of danger and the resulting alertness against danger, beings would have been exposed to attacks from predators, natural and unexpected calamities and the like.
Apprehensions lurk behind Man through out in the form of impending death, from childhood to old age through youth. The mind is therefore always apprehensive, and this apprehension is one of the things that stands in the way of a silent mind.

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