Friday, May 16, 2008

An Inner Whisper

What is the point in believing in anything at all? Should the mind not be free of all the cluttered up nonsense including even some sense? All the notions and beliefs may be false.
Once I am convinced of a fact on 'seeing' it straight, where is the need to believe? Fact is a fact, whether you believe it or not.
Belief is necessary only when one is not sure of a fact. most often a belief is of a non-fact because somebody else said that it is a fact.
As a child I sincerely believed that snakes Rahu and Kethu swallowed the sun and the moon during eclpses just because I was told so by elders. I had to take bath after an eclpse to wash of the poison if any which I might have caught in exposure. As a little child I also believed that the king of Gods, Devendra, sitting in heavens caused the rains to fall on earth. Many such stories on several phenomena were part of my belief system in chidhood. when I grew up and was in school, I believed that God Siva or Goddess Bhagavathi can get me good marks in my exams, and a good offering or prayer to them could get my guardian's permission to go to a cenema theatre.
As an adult i believed whatever was written in Geetha, Upanishads, and other scriptural texts as much as I could understand them. where things did not tally with my experiences I tried hard to reconcile them by streaching my reasoning.
But now at this late hour I dont want to believe anything of which I do not have direct experience or can directly feel. All other things are subject to my scepticism.

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