Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stream of Consciousmess and meditation

Yesterday night I saw a restless dream in which I was standing at the edge of a rock on a hill. I can see the beautiful valley down below covered with bluish mist. But something inside me was disturbing. Some strange being came to attack me. I had no way of escape as I would fall down the precipice if I try to run. Suddenly I remembered that after all, the beast does not know that I can fly off. I am somebody who knows how to fly, the only difficulty being in taking off from the ground. But here the advantage is that I can first fall off and then vigorously move my hands to fly till a resistance of the wind is felt by the hands. Only sometimes it may take a few moments before I felt the resistance, in which case I would have dropped down considerable distance downward before I could fly. There was of course a lurking fear that the attempt at flying may fail. Yet I flew. The resistance was felt and I flew smoothly above the trees and by the side of coconut trees, avoiding electric lines and telephone cables, and occasionally standing on some walls, and then taking off again. Sometimes I am out of control and speed off at a tangent. But altogether it was pleasant. Then my hands got tired and I came down landing on a grass clad meadow. By then it was getting dark and the scene was all silhouette. An eerie feeling came upon me although I wanted more of the flying.
What was all this? Was it a jumbled up stream of consciousness flowing confused with some desires, or was it some wish fulfillment, or unearthing of some past life memories of previous lives lying dormant deep down in the sub-conscious mind? The difference between the dream stage and the waking stage is that I can see only what is shown to me in a dream while I can look at things I like in the waking state. The Will works in waking.
In the type of meditation I am practicing now I am diverting my attention in such a way that I see only what is shown me by my subconscious mind. In short it is a sort of dream while awake, alert and attentive. The idea is to unearth and exhaust what is underneath.
I am aware that I am aware. I am aware of my breath moving in and out. Within that rhythm my heart is beating. I can even hear the beating of heart these days as if some power machine is hammering off rhythmically far away. An image of hammering machine crosses the mind. A distant dog now barks. I am aware of the blurred image of some dog coming to my mind. Birds chirp. Vague images of birds surface simultaneously and disappear. There is the constant background noise of crickets humming. An image of space with the continuous prevailing noise of crickets appears and stays. I am aware of a dull discomfort in my stomach. Moving gas, asks the mind? An unsure image of some gases passing through twisted tubes cross the mind. I am aware of a constant running commentary going on for recording all these. Some questions are trying to surface from down below, but the mind is not interested and the attention is just waiting. It is waiting. It is waiting. I feel a cool breeze. A coffee cup appears before the mind with the smell of coffee and fades away. Again waiting. A strange fear tries to pop up. It is a familiar fear, the usual one. Let it be there. May not be able to persist. It is a potential threat. Ok. Leave it. Waiting…The cricket’s noise in space is still prevalent. A cock crows. The image of cock passes quick. Waiting. Waiting….. something is trying to come up from underneath the mind. Now it is trying to project out on the screen of the eye. An old ruin of a huge house with thatched roofs and mud walls! Am I feeling sleepy? Perhaps. I open my eyes.

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