Monday, May 19, 2008

why space is limitless

From childhood I often had a gut feeling that only I exist, and all the rest are make-beliefs. Somebody seemed to be playing a trick on me. When I look in one direction all the things there appear in their place before me. As I turned my face, things in the other direction appeared. When I closed my eyes perhaps nothing is there at all. Similarly things are there as solid only when I touch them! It was a childhood fantasy-play while sitting alone. Perhaps all children had similar experiences sometime or other.
Now I feel that this could actually be true in the spiritual realm. The awareness deep inside me is a powerful luminosity which not only illumines everything that I perceive, feel, think, and act, but it seems to be also the source from which all these illusory universe of mine emanate and project them out as if from a film projector! Two verses in ‘The Ode To South Facing Form’ (Dakshina Murthy Stothram by Adi Sankara, translated by Ernest Wood.) seem to confirm it.
Surprisingly it is fascinating to find that this would also explain why the sky -that is, the space- is limitless. When a powerful light source projects itself all around from a point, its rays travel on and on forever expanding limitlessly the coverage of its brightness. Here, what is projected is not light rays but space itself, from the source point in the form of an expanding universe! The source point could be the source for a Big Bang!
Because the space emanates from within and spreads out, naturally there is no limit to the space. Yet, for practical purposes everything is there as it is in this space! The entire universe is there in that space arising from the source within oneself! Even intimations can still come to the earth from outer space. An illusory intimation from an illusory space to an illusory ego!

Why has the space no end?
Because the space starts from within you and expands endlessly outwards

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