Saturday, March 14, 2009

awareness and imagery

Observing the mind is a tricky business. Throughout when I am awake, sense impressions continue to come into the mind. They are all in the form of images, visual or other sensory. There are thoughts in the form of imagination and imagery. These come from memory store house. Emotions arrive mostly in the form of feelings of the body. They have also images in the form of impressions. Thus everything in the mind at a given moment is in the form of image or imagination. And they are continuously there in the mind throughout the waking state.
Most of the images pass off with or without registering into the memory. But something or other is always present in the mind at every moment for the awareness to notice and bring it to focus or attention. What is chosen depend upon the mood in which I am at the present moment. But there is no time when nothing is there in the mental space to be attentive to by the awareness. The mind is never empty.

In such a scenario, can the mind be absolutely quiet at all? That is to say, can the awareness exist without attaching itself to any of the contents of the mind? Is not the existence of awareness without something to be aware of, against the very nature of awareness or attention?

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