Tuesday, March 17, 2009

breakfast, soul and Donald Walsch

We are alone today, my ailing wife and I. Our house keeper cum-cook Sarada left yesterday morning after cooking and storing out food for the noon and night. She is expected back after a month. So, what is for breakfast today? No substitute cook is available with the agency that sent Sarada to us. The alternate possibility was the maid who was working with us earlier. But unfortunately she is already booked for two days to cook for a wedding. Today therefore we decided to have our breakfast in the Udipi Hotel in Town.
Then there comes the sudden announcement through a moving loudspeaker that one of the political parties has declared a strike cum-bandh for the day. No vehicles, no shops, and no hotels allowed. Only milk and newspaper exempted. That means somehow we have to fend for ourselves. There are eggs in the fridge. There are also some old slices of bread. I can manage.
Now, according to Neale Donald Walsch, -Ref. his book Home With God- the situation is created by my own choice, through my super-conscious or sub-conscious so as to experience the situation. There is no point in feeling difficulty or disturbed. If I combine and reconcile these ideas with my own thoughts, the following position emerges:
The Soul –I presume it is my individualized awareness- wants to experience all sorts and varieties of events from a collection of infinite possibilities (of the Ultimate Reality?). The soul chooses one at the moment. It creates the situation and through my super-conscious, via my sub-conscious it makes it possible for me the ‘I’, to experience it. But if the ‘I’ knew the source, the charm is lost! If the ‘I’ knew the source, the origin of the situation, the experience loses all significance, because the effect, the difficulty and discomfort that are to be experienced will no more be there to be felt. The entire thing is therefore kept a secret from ‘I’, that is me. Incidents and situations of my own creations happen unknown to me. That would make some sense, no?
But if ‘I’ is able to identify itself with the soul and the soul can in turn identify itself with the Ultimate, the Source, an entirely different possibility may be there. To use Walsch’s terminology, everything can happen ‘sequencetaneously’.
As I was contemplating as above, our old maid came and made breakfast for us. The whole thing was a joke played by my soul on me! Naturally, things happened sequencetaneously only!

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