Tuesday, March 24, 2009

instruments of perception

I perceive. I perceive through my senses. Senses are my perception instruments. How many are they? Two eyes, two ears, nose, tongue, and the skin having sensation throughout the body. Is that all? No. I feel a pain in my tummy, an ache inside my head or a burning within my knee. That means that the sense of touch is even inside in a modified form. When my mind is calm and silent I notice the feeling of touch at every cell of my body. At the level of the nails and hair it may be mere imagination. But it is there, and I can bring about a feeling, an indirect sensation at their roots when I am sufficiently alert and imaginative.
And I feel that the eyes are nothing but certain nerve endings of the same sensation of touch, specially developed, where the feelings are super- sensitive in a particular way so as to detect light patterns. Similarly for ears, nose and tongue. They are also specialized forms of touch. So, I notice.
That means I have only one single instrument of perception namely, the sense of touch that manifests in certain peculiar ways in certain specific areas of my body, so as to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and feel. Is it ultimately the nervous system which is the sensing instrument, or the only sense instrument? Yes. It appears so. The whole system can be alerted together when the mind is relaxed, silent, in a state of anticipation, waiting, expecting nothing in particular to come up. The mind is then ready to receive something entirely new, I feel.
Only, nothing new seem to come up yet!

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