Thursday, March 19, 2009

visitor from Venus

Yesterday a being abruptly landed before me in my dream announcing, ‘I am from Venus’. I was somehow not surprised, although it looked a little odd outside television screens. I responded, ‘that explains why a hallow surrounds your sphere.’ By the word ‘sphere’ I meant his head, because it was only a luminous ball. Its or the being’s body was a bright egg reminding one of Humpty- Dumpty. The friendly golden voice came from somewhere inside the being. And I ‘felt’ the voice rather than ‘heard’ it.
Being: I came visiting earth to learn about animal life. There are so many different types here. What animal are you?
I am not an animal. I am human.
Being: Human? You mean to say, an animal known by the name of ‘Human’?
I: No. Humans are not animals. They are quite differently made and are much superior to animals.
Being: I have already seen some of them closely. I do not find anything special or superior in you or your people. Whatever animals do, you also do. Eat, drink, defecate, make difficult noises, copulate, fight, grow old and die. The only difference I find is that you cover yourself with a lot of colored stuff.
I: May be at the level of the body I look like an animal and behave like one. But I am not an animal.
Being: So, you do admit that at the body level you are just another animal?
I: I do not admit anything. Body is equipment for me to use. Or the body can be said to be a pet animal of mine which I maintain and use for various purposes. That does not mean that I am it.
Being: Then who are you? Is not your mind also something that you use for various purposes?
I. Yes. Mind is also equipment that I use, for example, like a computer. My mind is very intricate and superior. Human mind can send rockets to the moon and further on to outer space.
Being: You mean like a porcupine sending it’s quills? Considering the vastness of the universes sending rockets cannot be said to be anything superior to shooting quills.
I: But the porcupine does not think. It has like other animals, only instinct. Apart from instinct, thinking and reasoning power, I can also develop my intuitive power if I want. Animals cannot do that.
Being: How do you know? May be they have, but is not apparent. Your reasoning power may be a little more advanced like your mental activity. But that does not take you away from the animal category. In fact that has lead to more brawls and intrigues.
I: I hope to apprehend Reality.
Being: That is fine. Apprehension and Reality may make things and animals different. So, you are different? But who are you?
I: I think that I am just a feeling of ‘I’.
Being: FEELING? You are only feeling? Hundred per cent fictitious you are, then! You don't exist!
And It/He Vanished.
* * * * * * *
I do feel within myself that I exist. Therefore I exist. But what the being from Venus said may be correct. Is it funny or stupid, this life? What is so great about being human?. Nothing. Alas! I am now convinced, there is nothing particularly significant or ennobling in this birth. I do understand that I am, after all, another animal on earth, perhaps having slightly different kinds of faculties that I presumptuously consider to be great. And I will die like any other animal whether I have these faculties or not.

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